There may be days you know you should be getting things done but for some reason you can't get up in the morning, your body feels heavy and tired, you are no longer motivated, or you want to sleep through the day.
For some, it can manifest as recurrent body aches and pains which can become debilitating. You may start feeling guilt that you aren't able to fulfill your chores and tasks, and when things go wrong, everything seems to be your fault, even when logically you know it is not. Your ability to focus at work can be diminished and instead of getting a project done, you find yourself withdrawn or looking for a distraction. At times you will find yourself surfing the Internet, despite the fact that a deadline is fast approaching.
Sometimes you find that your mind wanders to unhappy thoughts, provoking self doubt and even tears, and no matter what you do, you can’t seem to shake it. Wanting to be left alone yet at the same time needing someone to care for you can be confusing.